last modified: 2018-03-16

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1. Installing NetBeans

Downloading NetBeans for PC
Figure 1. Downloading NetBeans for PC


  • If you don’t know, choose “jdk-8u151-nb-8_2-windows-i586.exe” (see below)

  • If you are absolutely sure you run a 64-bit version of Windows, choose Windows x64.

  • Find the file you downloaded on your computer and click on it to install.

you might need administrator rights to install software on your PC!

Now that we have NetBeans installed, let’s add the Codename One plugin.

2. Adding the plugin "Codename One" to NetBeans

  • Open NetBeans. In the menu, select Tools → Plugins.

  • In the windows opening, select “Available plugins”.

Plugins can be listed alphabetically by clicking on the column “name”, that makes them easier to find.

  • Search for “Codename One”.

  • Select the Codename One plugin by ticking the box on the left.

  • Click on “Install” and follow the instructions.

3. Restart NetBeans to finish the installation

Congratulations, you are ready to create your first mobile app! 🎉

The end

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round portrait mini 150 This course is designed by Clement Levallois.

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