sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys EEA14886
last modified: 2018-02-04
Clément Levallois
I use Debian, version 8.7 (why?)
Vi is used as a text editor in the following
Create a new file:
sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/java-8-debian.list
add these lines:
deb trusty main
deb-src trusty main
Close the file.
get the certif key:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys EEA14886
install the JDK 8:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
Set the env variables straight:
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default
create a glassfish user (here the -m
option creates its home directory if not already present):
maybe a good idea to choose a user name different from glassfish - default values are always to be avoided.
adduser glassfish -shell /bin/bash passwd glassfish adduser glassfish sudo
//ST: ! change to user glassfish
su - glassfish
mkdir /opt/app-server make the user owner of /opt/app-server:
sudo chown -R glassfish /opt/app-server sudo chmod -R 700 /opt/app-server
download glassfish from here:
cd /opt/app-server wget
sudo apt-get install zip unzip unzip
Glassfish is now installed.
We can access glassfish commande line by doing:
cd glassfish4/glassfish/bin
Change the masterpassword:
change-master-password --savemasterpassword
(put "changeit" when the default password is asked, then choose your own)
We will now delete the default domain ("domain1") and create a new one. 2 reasons for this:
We will create a domain with a custom name, to avoid using the default value.
Create a domain from scratch allows to make use of the nice "portbase" option:
→ The "portbase" option allows for creating a set of ports different from the default ones.
delete-domain domain1
create-domain --portbase 17390 yourcustomdomain
just letters and numbers in the domain name.
So, with portbase 17390 (choose your own value instead), the port for the GlassFish GUI console will be 17390+ 48 = 17438
Add a tunnel for port 17438 in your SSH connection. Restart your SSH connection.
Go back to /opt/app-server/glassfish-4/glassfish/bin and ./asadmin
If you tunneled the port 17438 in your SSH, you can now go to http://localhost:17438
In the GUI console,
change the admin password
change the "Address field" in http-listener-2 sub menu to the IP of the server.
The following tips are directly taken from
change the content of /domains/yourcustomdomain/docroot/index.html → "my server is online"
create an "errorpages" subdir in your domain root folder and an error page in /domains/yourcustomdomain/errorpages/404.html
Then, in the GUI console, point to this file via:
Configuration|Virtual Server|server
name: send-error_1
value: code=404 path=/errorpages/404.html reason=Resource_not_found
Hide the identity of the server in the headers:
In Network-config → Network-listeners → http-listeners (1 et 2) → HTTP tab: turn off the "XPowered By:" header with your http-listener
add a JVM-Option""
Author of this tutorial: Clement Levallois
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